EMERGENCY 5 App Recensioni

Great game

So.. I figured why people are having the issue, with the game opening and have the requirments. Go into power settings and turn off the auto graphic card switching. The game is detecting the intel graphics and the mac is not switching to the nvida card fast enough. Turn off the auto switching and the game runs fine. 4 stars instead of 5 because I ahve the recommend settings and the game still has to run at the lowest graphic settings.

Exceed Requirements - App Does Not Open. Do Not Buy!

I looked at the system requirements and made sure to compare them to my computer before purchasing the app. After seven hours of downloading, I went to open the app to only have it crash unexpectedly. After paying $50, I am writing to the company to attempt a refund. Do not download until this is fixed!


I guess I should have read the other reviews. Just downloaded the game and it wont open. Please fix


Why is the App store selling a game that does not work? I just paid $50.00 for a game that will not work. It really is robbery.

WIll not open!

After this update, the game would not open up. It doesn’t give me any warning or anything like that. I click it, and it dissapears. Please fix this.


My graphics card and specs far exceed recommendation. Emergency 5 still crashes semi-regularly…so save often! In my opinion, NOT worth $50 and you can’t get your money back.

Good - But needs work

After reading the other reviews, I checked to ensure my Mac had all the right things. I have this program on my Ipad, I love it. (Need MORE emergicenes) The download took forever… several times. Not blaming the app. Had to delete same twice. Finally got it to work. I like the game a lot, execpt for the flickering of parts of the screen. I’m sure this is due to my graphics card, which is within the requirements. The game- Unless you make sure all the firefighters are on the truck, they are left behind. Then they sit out there. If there is room for several ‘players’ to pass each other then fix this. When clicking on a fire on top of the building, the water goes into the side of the building. So, not sure if H2O is getting where I directed same. Must change the scroll out (wider shot) to get ahead of the bad guys. Overall, I like the game.

definitely not working

Bought this and I have the latest greatest. but alas it does not work

games not working

games not working

game does not work

Game is very slow even with a band new mack with 16gb/250flash. running the game with the lowest graphics and it still runs too slow to be operable.


Game does not work. The minute it opens it immediatly crashes. Per support, you cannot have an Intel graphics card.

Can’t even open the game

It’s been a long time waiting for this day, but I can’t even open the game :( After multiple downloads on different devices, this game will not even open. All I get is a window that says that EMERGENCY 5 quit unexpectedly. I would love to review the game, but if I can’t open it, I am forced to give this a one-star rating.

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